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BOARD Matters - the Board of Directors is the governing body of the Southeast Weld County Chamber.  The Board is comprised of a group of volunteers who are tasked with being a voice for the businesses in the communities we serve.  The Board is responsible for making policies, setting strategy, management oversight and protecting the interests of the business members that we serve.  Look in this section to view the Chamber Bylaws, Board Meeting Minutes, Director Responsibilities and Application, Messages from the Board and other items directly related to the Chamber Board of Directors.  Much of the information published here is Chamber sensitive and is available to members only.  It is therefore password protected and can be accessed with your MEMBER LOGIN.  Don't have a member login?  Contact Tammy and she'll be happy to get you set up!

The BOARD MEETING MINUTES are password protected and can be accessed by logging in with your MEMBER LOGIN.  Once logged in to the INFO HUB, click on RESOURCES in the left column to access the published meeting minutes.  Please note that the published minutes are for the consumption of CHAMBER MEMBERS ONLY and should not be shared with non-members.    


MEMBER Matters - do you have some exciting news to share about your business?  Is your business relocating?  Are you running a special that you want everyone to know about?  This is the place to post it.  Simply create your flyer or write your promo in the InfoHub section and send for review by the Chamber Administrator.  Once reviewed for accuracy (dates, time, etc.) your promo will be approved and published for consumption.  Please indicate if your promo is intended for other Chamber members only so that it can be password protected prior to publication.  REMEMBER - as a Chamber member, YOU have the benefit of posting your own events on the Chamber calendar.  Please reach out if you need instructions on how to do that!

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BUSINESS Matters - our Business Matters Networking Luncheons are chock full of useful information on a variety of subjects.  We know that it's sometimes difficult to get away from your business during the lunch hour so we decided to bring the learning to you.  Check here for the presentation slideshows and handouts used and distributed by our presenters. Their contact information will be included so they can be contacted directly with questions about the material they presented.  This section is also password restricted to honor the membership dollars that you pay!



JULY, 2024


APRIL, 2025


MAY, 2025


What Business Owners

Need to Know in 2024


No Meeting Held

Happy Holidays!


MARCH, 2025

JUNE, 2025


LEGISLATIVE Matters - it's no secret that things are always changing on the legislative front.  It's also no secret that it's extremely important for business owners to ensure that they know what's happening on the legislative front and how it could affect their business.  From proposed ballot initiatives to new laws that have been enacted, it's important to stay abreast of the things that are happening in both our state and federal legislative bodies of government.  Count on this section to give you all the latest legislative news, including excerpts from the CO Chamber legislative news publication The Sum and Substance. Â